What paradigm do you use most?
  • lxlelxle
    PMPosts: 2,656

  • williamwilliam
    PMPosts: 2
    The XP paradigm is my personal favorite. Currently using an older Dell Inspiron so for my hardware and screen real estate it fits the bill quite nicely.
  • WildbillWildbill
    PMPosts: 17
    I voted for OSX. I've have been partial to the OSX interface. I was a bit disappointed when I loaded the OSX paradigm to find the launch panel didn't have but a few items on it.  Just seemed like not as much attention to detail as with the other paradigms.  That being said I'm finding I like the XP modified, but I'm still playing around with LXLE 
  • lxlelxle
    PMPosts: 2,656
    I wanted to create the paradigms using only the LXDE interface without any added extras like a special dock or compositor of any kind. It helps keep is simply and more problem free plus a lighter footprint. At least that was the initial goal. Perhaps I will do some more experimenting with the OSX interface.
  • WildbillWildbill
    PMPosts: 17
    Thanks,  I was just a bit surprised since the other paradigms had launchers like firefox, email etc.  I can understand wanting to keep the foot print small.  I may play around with some of the docking app's over the next few weeks.  Question, If i make a change to one Paradigm will it be carried though all of them or just the one I modified?
  • lxlelxle
    PMPosts: 2,656
    Just the one you modified, with the exception of number of desktops which carries over from desktop to desktop.
    Thanked by 1Wildbill
  • WildbillWildbill
    PMPosts: 17
    lxle, I believe I owe you all an apology.  When I first looked at the OSX Paradigm I assumed (you know what they say about that word) that it would be like all the OSX interfaces I have seen with main panel at the top and the application launcher at the bottom.  So my comment above was from that assumption. But last night I decided to play with that paradigm and discovered the 3rd panel on the left with all the launcher's for the applications. 

    I am currently now using the OSX and it is growing on me. It seems to work pretty well on this laptop with a wide screen. Thanks Bill
  • vaikus84vaikus84
    PMPosts: 65
    I use XP paradigm and I tweak my panel to be at the top. Would want the XP paradigm without the left side hidden panel. It is of no use in XP paradigm.
  • lxlelxle
    PMPosts: 2,656
    The panel on the left in all environments, is more of an attempt to replace the standard icons that many might have on their desktop. In other words it was a convenient way to have easy access icons on the desktop without having them on the desktop. Its also the reason why the panel is on the left hand side. Which would be the same side most place their desktop icons on for easy access.
  • preistpreist
    PMPosts: 11
    I think the xp one is the best and we should just have that one, and make it more refined with tweaks etc (concentrate on one desktop and make it the best.)
  • hedon_jameshedon_james
    PMPosts: 24
    I know I'm in a minority, but chalk me up as one of those folks who initially HATED Unity, but has grown to like it...nay, LOVE it.  Now that I have learned to work with Unity's conventions and become productive, Unity is my preferred desktop now.  With that said, Unity is a little heavy and bogs down on older hardware.  I've become interested in LXDE for its light resource usage and responsiveness on older hardware.  But LXDE looks nothing like Unity.  Along comes LXLE in a lightweight LXDE environment, but with the built-in ability to mimic Unity...and it's the best of both worlds!!!  PCManFM is a little different than Nautilus; Claws Mail is a little different than Thunderbird; but the functionality is there, if slightly different.  While I'm not ready to replace my Ubuntu 12.04 on my main machine (which handles Unity just fine, BTW), I'm ecstatic with the ability to provide a Unity-looking desktop with an Ubuntu base on my older, slower machines.  I'm sure you can tweak it better (and probably will), but I'll be happy with LXLE even if you don't!  Kudos on a great idea that is already well-implemented!  THANK YOU!
    Thanked by 1lxle