Autologin / disable the login screen
  • daevudaevu
    PMPosts: 2
    how can I disable the login screen (paradigm chooser and guest accoutn
    selector) and directly autologin on boot with my only user I have?
  • daevudaevu
    PMPosts: 2

    For release 12.04 and on (LightDM)

    You will need to create an /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf with these contents: (do this as root)

    autologin-user=<YOUR USER>

    Stop autologin For release 12.04 and on (LightDM)

    You will need to edit the /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf with these contents: (do this as root)

    Remove or comment out the following lines

    autologin-user=<YOUR USER>
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