Screenshot of a LXLE laptop for my son (windows 8 like)
  • d40d40
    PMPosts: 7
    I'm setting up a laptop for my son and tried to make it a bright and fun looking desktop. What do you think of it?
  • lxlelxle
    PMPosts: 2,656
    nice icon set

    be sure to list themes, icons set, etc etc.
  • rfry85rfry85
    PMPosts: 210
    I Like it!  Bet he does too!
  • d40d40
    PMPosts: 7
    Here is what I did to install it on LXLE version: 12.04.05:

    I thank this blogger who pointed me to this wonderful theme:

    I use the OSX-paradigm which has a top and bottom (auto hide) panel. This is important for 
    these instructions.

    Download the win8 theme at:
    1 - Download the file:
    2 - Extract in ~/.themes
    3 - start openbox configuration manager
    4 - The themes called "Windows8(color)OB" should be visible in the "Theme" Tab.
    5 - Select a the Theme you like and click Close

    Download the icons at: (I seems that it does not exist anymore at this location but I found this location: )

    1 - Download the Blue icons file: ultra-flat-icons.tar.gz
    2 - Launch the application "Customize Look and Feel" 
    3 - Select the "Icon Theme" tab
    4 - Click the "+ Install" button and select the "ultra-flat-icons.tar.gz" file
    5 - The icons are being installed and the application closes itself.
    6 - Launch the application again and select the ultra-flat-icons.
    7 - Click Apply and close the app.

    See next post for the rest of the installation guide...
  • d40d40
    PMPosts: 7
    ....Part 2:

    Now change the color of the LXPanels:
    1 - Right click the top panel and select "Panel Settings".
    2 - Select Apearance tab
    3 - Click "solid color (with opacity)
    4 - Use Color name: "#0080FF"
    5 - Click OK
    6 - Click Close.

    Unfortunately this method does not store the color. The panel will have a white background after a reboot. To fix this I needed to edit the configuration file. 
    In a terminal do: gedit ~/.config/lxpanel/LXLE-OSX/panels/panel
    Find the line: tintcolor=0
    And replace this line with: tintcolor=#0080FF
    Save and close gedit
    Now write protect (make read only) the panel config file. I did it via the file browser, go to ~/.config/lxpanel/LXLE-OSX/panels, right click panel, properties, permissions, Change content -> Nobody.

    Menu->Preferences->Customize Look and Feel -> Select Windows8OS widget theme. -> Apply -> Close

    I hope anybody will be able to apply the theme with this guide.
  • d40d40
    PMPosts: 7
    Additional to the above guide, I also minimized the conky system info by commenting out most of the information in the ~/.conkyrc file and changed the font color to black.

  • JakobJakob
    PMPosts: 30
    I think it looks great :)
  • d40d40
    PMPosts: 7
    Hi LXLE,

    I found out that the bug "Unfortunately this method does not store the color. The panel will have a white background after a reboot." is a confirmed bug in LXPanel 0.7.0 and is fixed in 0.7.1. Will this be in the next LXLE release?
