Tricks in LXLE that you can change, alter or remove.
  • lxlelxle
    PMPosts: 2,656
  • Just an addition to Wildbill's observation on Zeitgeist and the dock-manager.
    If you remove Zeitgeist it will improve your security,but it will also affect your dock no matter which one you have.
    For example, if you remove Zeitgeist it will affect Cairo-dock by removing the shutdown icon and also your walking penguin,wanda or whatever - it's a trade-off between security and aesthetics.
    So, if you have a dock, please make sure you can still access the panel-menu or you could have problems making future changes before removing Zeitgeist.
    Deleting the panel and then deleting Zeitgeist and leaving only your dock could lead to login/logout problems and it may also affect your firewall ( if you have one  ) if your firewall was activated by a dock-launcher.
  • lxlelxle
    PMPosts: 2,656
    You can control whats logged by zeitgeist by using the 'activity log manager'
  • How can I change the menu settings?  I'm aware of MenuLibre, the menu editor, and know how to add/remove categories and programs, but at the bottom of the menu, there are entries for 'terminal', 'run', 'search' and 'logout'.  I simply want to change the verbage of 'logout' to shutdown.  The icon and the action are fine; I just want to change the word.

    I've been all over forums and have looked at all the config files for lxmenu, lxpanel, menu, menu editor, obmenu, etc.. with no satisfaction.  Any advice on where to find that entry and change the word?  Thank you!
  • lxlelxle
    PMPosts: 2,656
    lxpanel configs do a search when you open them for logout
  • in /usr directory or /etc?  I have scoured /usr for various settings in lxpanel, menu, lxde, and others.  I have also scoured /etc for same, plus found the xdg directory for various configs.  I'm either looking in the wrong places, or I'm looking right at it, but missing it because I'm bleary-eyed from looking.
  • lxlelxle
    PMPosts: 2,656
    Thanked by 1hedon_james
  • hedon_jameshedon_james
    PMPosts: 24
    It never even occurred to me to check within the user home directory.  (in my best Homer Simpson voice)...DOH!!!  I probably wasted 3-4 hours yesterday tracking down this simple tweak, checking numerous directories, files, and config settings within each directory.  And lxle rides to the rescue and provides a 10 second fix, including logout & login to enact the change...THANK YOU!!!