Some suggestions for 14.04 LTS
  • First of all, 'Thank you so much' for this rock solid distro.

    I will love to see the following apps as the default apps for the next LXLE release:

    1. Audio/Music Player  - "Audacious" (Even supports hardware synthisyser on some old sound cards for playing MIDI files)
    2. Video Player  - "SMPlayer" (Also includes SMTube, no separate Youtube browser needed)
    3. Download Manager  - "XDM" ( )  ......This is the only open source download manager, which is at par with the windows based 'Internet Download Manager' (IDM).

    The only App which is frequently crashing on LXLE is "Modem Manager Gui", not a big issue though.
    Please click on "Mark as Solved" if your original question / problem got solved. This will help others.

    'Lazy people will always find a short-cut for a difficult task"
  • I don't have an opinion on Totem yet because I haven't watched any local vids on my PC since I installed LXLE, but if you decide to replace it I would second the recommendation of SMPlayer.
  • lxlelxle
    PMPosts: 2,656
    totem isn't likely to change, its about much more than just throwing a program on the system to handle some task, there is a lot more thought and balance to the system taken into consideration before selecting an app.
  • ZakaZaka
    PMPosts: 202
    image  Good.  Totem works just fine.
  • I would like to suggest that Tony George's Conky Manager be added to 14.04. A nice surprise about 12.04 was that Conky was implemented by default, however the conky that ships with LXLE sort of looks like a small rat on the right side of my screen and I would like to change it to something different. I have Conky Manager installed on my laptop but it seems to be rather unstable. It is April 21 and probably way too late to include it in the first 14.04 release, but please consider it. Thank you.
  • lxlelxle
    PMPosts: 2,656
    Consider an unstable app?
  • hedon_jameshedon_james
    PMPosts: 24
    I've seen some comments somewhere in this forum regarding an updated/more attractive LxMenu.  Rather than reinvent the wheel, how about considering Slingscold launcher?  I had previously seen this menu/launcher on PearOS (now defunct) and an older version of ElementaryOS, and liked it a LOT.  It's lightweight, attractive (IMO, but beauty is in the eye of the beholder), and will look somewhat familiar to Android users.  I had looked at Slingshot Launcher on Launchpad, Slingscold launcher on Noobs Labs PPA, but wasn't really satisfied with either, as I felt they didn't fit the default LXLE dark theme that I find extremely attractive without any(?!) modifications.  I finally located the prior version 1.0.x(?) with categorization on a spanish website, hit the google translate button, and added the PPA:libredeb/precisedeb repository to install their version of Slingscold Launcher.  Very few additional packages were installed, perhaps 2 on my system.  It's now installed on my system and I am VERY PLEASED with this menu/launcher.  I think it blends PERFECTLY!  If you agree, and it fits within your criteria, perhaps this can be LXLE's default menu/launcher?  If it does not, I'm willing to post a quick tutorial on how to add the repository and install the package for any individual who wants to give it a try.  What are your thoughts LXLE?  Is this a possibility for a "customized" LXLE menu?
    Thanked by 1lxle
  • hedon_jameshedon_james
    PMPosts: 24
    I see lxle has "thanked" that post about the Slingscold menu/launcher.  I'm sure he'll look into it.  Maybe it'll become a part of LXLE, maybe it won't.  In the meantime, for those interested in trying it out for themselves, here is a screenshot of the Slingscold Launcher that I prefer:

    This version has the categories at the top, to sort programs similar to the LxMenu, as well as a search bar to look for a specific program.  More recent versions of Slingscold (ppa on Noobs Labs) do not have the categories that I personally prefer.  A similar launcher is Slingshot, found on Launchpad, but Slingshot does not fit the default theme of LXLE, IMO.  I had a devil of a time locating this version of the Slingscold Launcher.  For anyone else interested in trying this out, you must add a PPA to your system to install.

    From within terminal, type (or copy/paste the following commands into terminal):

    To add Slingscold Launcher PPA
    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:libredeb/precisedeb

    then, update your system to "see" the available package in that repo
    sudo apt-get update

    and finally, to install the launcher
    sudo apt-get install slingscold-launcher

    The menu/launcher will be located in the "accessories" category of the LxMenu, and can be added to the LxPanel of whatever paradigm you prefer.  It will not replace the LxMenu, but provides an alternative to that menu.  You CAN remove the LxMenu if you like, and just leave the Slingscold Launcher in the LxPanel, but that's a personal preference.  The LxMenu will stay on your system regardless.

    If you don't like it for any reason, simply remove from your system from the terminal
    sudo apt-get remove slingscold-launcher

    Conversely, if you like it and want to keep it on your system until lxle makes a final decision as to whether it is practical for  this launcher to be included in the distro, you may want to remove the PPA after installation.  However, this is a somewhat obscure PPA that does not appear to be maintained/updated, as I note the Slingscold Launcher appears to have migrated to a PPA maintained by Noobs Labs.  If you're concerned about the libredeb/precisedeb ppa being updated, it might be prudent to remove the PPA from your system after installation (I haven't done this yet, but probably should for safety's sake!).  With the PPA removed, the Slingscold launcher will NOT update.  This could be a double-edge sword, with benefits and detriments.  Choose according to your own personal preferences and risk tolerances.

    To remove the PPA after installation, type in terminal
    sudo add-apt-repository --remove ppa:libredeb/precisedeb

    And finally, I would respectfully request that everyone refrain from "lobbying" lxle for this option.  By all means, let him know "I like it" or "I did not", as there's no sense in him wasting time investigating a software package for LXLE that no one but me likes!  Ha,ha,ha!  But I KNOW that lxle has specific criteria for consideration of  packages that primarily revolve around the shared libraries on the LXLE distro.  It's a big reason his distro is so fast, smooth, and responsive.  If he doesn't want it in LXLE by default, there's a good reason, and I don't want to undermine that.  This post is for folks like me who want it on their system because we like it and...well, this is linux, because WE CAN!!!

    For those who like this modification, enjoy!
  • ZakaZaka
    PMPosts: 202
    How about posting a screenshot?  No way I'm jumping into something like that without having an inkling.

    I like your willingness to share, good on ya'!
  • Screenshot link was provided in post.  I can't seem to figure out how to upload the screenshot directly to this forum?

    The "insert image" icon above yields this:

    "copy & paste" the file from my home directory yields this:
    /home/jim/Dropbox/Screenshot from 2014-04-22 18:55:20.png

    The "insert hyperlink" icon doesn't seem to work at all.  I'll gladly post a screenshot if I can figure out what I'm doing wrong (or someone can tell me, hint, hint!).  Until then, all I can do is share the image and copy & paste the link to that image.
  • lxlelxle
    PMPosts: 2,656
    you just put the direct link to the image
    Thanked by 1hedon_james