• schmittaschmitta
    PMPosts: 14
    My name is Alvin P. Schmitt.  I installed about two days ago. I had been Running Ubuntu 12.04 on a netbook with 1 gB memory and a 1GHz instruction rate. I hope I don't start any trouble but I liked unity. With regular Ubuntu my hard disk light was on much of the time so I suspected it was running out of ram and paging too much. LXLE solved that problem but I miss Ubuntu's amenities. LXLE looks a lot like the DSL distribution (damn small linux). I am getting use to it though. Have not been able to get chrome to work on LXLE yet. Talked about that in the support forum. I also like Mint (classy icon). Thank you that you have a support forum for us. I am a newbie so I need it.
  • lxlelxle
    PMPosts: 2,656
    at login you can pick different layouts (paradigms), unity is one of them
  • ZakaZaka
    PMPosts: 202
    Welcome!  image
  • rfry85rfry85
    PMPosts: 210

    I have a 10" acer aspire one netbook. I have found the best way to run it, is to log into the netbook paradigm, install the xfce4-panel and the dockbarx plugin. I lock the xfce4-panel to the left side of the screen, and now I have a unity like panel without the overhead. 

     For more screen real-estate, you can hide the top or bottom lxpanel, and use obconfig (openbox-configuration-manager)to shrink the title-bar to it's smallest size by setting the font-size of the active and inactive title bar to 1. You can also remove the buttons, title and Icons, by erasing the button order under appearance tab in obconfig.

    To control the windows I use the dockbarx plugin along with LXLE's built in aero snap feature.

    To deal with some windows in some apps which run off my small screen and keep me from being able to access the control buttons, I installed brightside (it's in the repos) and configured a hot corner on my screen which when I mouse in, rotates my screen to portait view. To go back, I set another corner to return to landscape view.

    It's the best netbook setup I have ever used. 

    I know, I know, I shouldn't be mixing desktop components, but this thing works real good. And I have to have lxle on my machine, not some xfce4 distro! It's just that xfce4-panel has some really nice plugins!
  • schmittaschmitta
    PMPosts: 14
    Thanks for all your help! Alvin....