A vertical panel with a Close button
  • My desktop isn't ready and I only have some days of experience with LXDE. Screenshots of others here are definitely more refined. I have some experience with Xfce which is easily customizable and with LXQt which is in many things similar. Here is my screenshot:


    The theme is Numix, icon theme masalla and the concept of a vertical panel with a Close button on top is borrowed from Manjaro Nebook edition. (Please, don't be offended that I mention Manjaro too often, this doesn't mean that I like LXLE less. Not at all!!) In Xfce it is easier to implement with a launcher applet, in LXDE I needet to create a .desktop file for it:
    [Desktop Entry]
    Exec=wmctrl -c :ACTIVE:

    I also managed to implement wallpaper rotation, creating my first script file called change-wallpaper with the code borrowed from the .desktop file in the application Random Wallpaper:
    dash -c 'pcmanfm -w "$(find /home/eugen/Pictures/Wallpapers -type f | shuf -n1)"' u

    Then I issued in terminal: chmod -x ~/bin/change-wallpaper
    And then found out that I have to write the command in this syntax to the crontab (with Sceduled Tasks application):
    /bin/bash -c "/home/eugen/bin/change-wallpaper"
    The browser is palemoon, I installed it with an installer from the project's website and I felt like changing the icon to that one from the maia icon theme in Manjaro. I needed to open the palemoon.png files with Gimp, pasting the pic from the file from maia theme and save it (actually export as png). Otherwise the symlink wouldn't show the new icons. I had to modify this way the files in /usr/share/icons/massala/apps, /opt/palemoon/browser/icons and /opt/palemoon/browser/chrome/icons/default.
    I don't like conkies because the consume CPU, so use panel plugins. And I have a question: How do I make the sensors plugin work? I did sensors-detect and modprobe via-temp which was detected but the plugin is still showing -271, while sensors shows correct values.
    And I have another question: How can I make the panel remeber the "solid colour" on reboot? It remebers transperancy value but sets the colour white. I think it is because I have the Option Composit=true in xorg.conf, but I don't want to change it, because I would like compton which is not in the Repositories, only compiz. Which is my third question: Is it possible to install compton or only compiz?
    When I have new ideas about my desktop I'll post them!