Using Record My Desktop App
  • iduhknoiduhkno
    PMPosts: 161
    Very simple to use and learn.

    Youtube:  Record My Desktop tutorial
    Loving Eclectica, 16.04.2 64bit
  • iduhknoiduhkno
    PMPosts: 161
    Critique:  right out of the box, as configured, works perfectly here.
    Especially impressed with the clarity and sharp focus of the video.
    In the past, Vokoscreen never was so clear for me, and I quickly gave up.
    Most likely user error.  However, this didn't happen with RecordMyDesktop.
    Love it.
    Loving Eclectica, 16.04.2 64bit
  • iduhknoiduhkno
    PMPosts: 161
    ToonLoop (found in Synaptic Package Manager - SPM,) is a complimentary tool to RecordMyDesktop.
    With a video cam, one can record one's self working on one's computer desktop, from any angle of the room.
    ALSO it enables frame by frame, stop motion animation (pixillation) on the desktop.  Its development is basic at this point in time, but useful and fun.
    Loving Eclectica, 16.04.2 64bit