Larger more visible mouse pointers for elderly with failing sight?
  • I have an Aunt (now using LXLE for a year) who has trouble finding the mouse pointer on the screen...I'm looking for recommendations on installing/configuring a larger size pointer and/or changing its colour?
  • lxlelxle
    PMPosts: 2,656
    the newer version of lxle come with different size cursors
    Thanked by 1Anonymouse52
  • I don't have the time to spend installing and setting up a new installation for her; my time is limited at her I found the RezoWhiteP (various sizes) online and downloaded the tar.gz file and extracted the folder (RezoWhiteP)...
    ...but then I failed miserably to set it in place in /usr/share/icons with the appropriate owner settings and could not get the lxle mouse pointer (customize look and feel) (lxappearance?) gui to install them or recognise the new icon folders...
    ...can anyone point me to a tutorial that works to install and use new mouse cursor icon themes as none I found seemed to work or were not up-to-date...  :(

  • Okay, got it working in my VB lxle12.04.5...problem was the files I downloaded e.g. RezoOrange.tgz was not a a format the Mouse Cursor Install window was looking for; it wanted a *.tar.gz format, I extracted the RezoOrange folder, re-tar'd it as a RezoOrange.tar.gz file and I got that to repeat that on my Aunt's system when I go visit her again to give her the large RezoWhite* selection...phew...
  • rfry85rfry85
    PMPosts: 210
    I use comix-cursors available synaptic, but only version 7.2.2 works properly. Version 7.3 leaves a grey box around the cursor. You can get a .deb at

    There are a couple of different choices.

    Just install with gdebi, then use "customize look (lxappearance)" to choose them. Just watch out for auto updates which may upgrade them to 7.3

    But you may want to try 7.3 maybe it will work fine for you. The 7.3 package is already in the repos and available via synaptic. Many size and color choice available

    Oh yea, after you choose your new mouse cursor, you have to log out and back in for full change to take effect.

    Thanked by 1Anonymouse52
  • This is kind of a late addition to the thread. I've been using LXLE, but now I'm playing with Debian-LXDE. Synaptic had the comixcursor packages 0.8.2-1, and they showed up just fine in Customize Look and Feel. The new cursor was visible in Firefox and LibreOffice, but not Synaptic and XFE or the desktop.

    I edited ~/.config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini to read:
    Then I restarted X, and the new cursors seem to be everywhere now. Very nice.