Change paradigms
  • Hi, I have a friend how is looking into Linux and moving away from Windows.  LXLE is one of the Distro's I gave him to check out to make him more comfortable in the transition.  He is currently just using the live version to see which distro he like's. I know you change the Paradigm on the login window, but what is the password to get back in.  

    I will be installing LXLE on a laptop in the near future,  I like what I have seen so far.  Thanks. Bill
  • lxlelxle
    PMPosts: 2,656
    the login on the livecd is whatever the loginwindow title/username is....

    example.  lxle120432 or lxle120464

    there is no password so you just leave it blank
  • Thanks. I have passed the info on to my friend,  He wants to move away from windows but he is having a hard time making that plunge.
  • lxlelxle
    PMPosts: 2,656
    I would go with LInux Mint or Zorin for a first time user coming from Windows. LXLE is really geared toward older computers and those that aren't completely clueless about anything computer related.
  • WildbillWildbill
    PMPosts: 17
    He has an older laptop, that is why I suggested LXLE but I also suggested Zorn and Mint as well.  We both belong to a garden tractor forum and so we have been PM'ing back and forth and he seems to be picking things up pretty quick.   Thanks again for the help.
  • doesn't work for me it goes to user other and won't accept that password. I figured a workaround. I made a new user -me and set a password for me then I can logout and login with user me and try the different options.Should be an easier way for newbies though.
  • lxlelxle
    PMPosts: 2,656
    there is no password
  • @cmcanulty   I know exactly what you mean, as I had the same experience.  But it was, in the end, something I wasn't paying close attention to.   There truly is no password.   Just takes a moment to figure out where and how to enter the provided username.  I kept putting it in the wrong box. Different boxes may be invoked.  Hope that helps. 
    "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful citizens can change the world; indeed it is the only thing that ever has." - Margaret Mead
  • maccydgmaccydg
    PMPosts: 4
    New paradigm question: in 14.04 (64-bit) I only have one option, "Other". I didn't have this problem in 12.04. I'm booting off a live USB. Acer Aspire 5100 series. Anyone got any ideas?  Thanks!

  • lxlelxle
    PMPosts: 2,656
    Running 14.04 in live mode will not switch paradigms any longer due to a massive configuration change to Lubuntu, I actually had trouble getting paradigms to work at at all. Paradigm switching is only available on an installed system with 14.04
    Thanked by 1Zaka