Some lxle newbie questions....
  • Hello all,

    1. I've read distro reviews which talk about compton as auto installed compositor, and a choice of four desktop set ups

    Am I right that this refers to the 64 version? Ive got the 32 bit version and there is no compositor or choice of desktop set ups

    2.  Is there an agreed lowest resource way of having wobbly window style effects?  I tried compiz but it was laggy on my old system (1gb ram)

    3.  Generally performance is excellent on my system, although firefox is slower than I'd like.   Is there a reason why lxle doesnt use the lighter iceweasal version?

  • lxlelxle
    PMPosts: 2,656
    They were wrong, many 'reviews' get things incorrect, I don't think its the fault of the reviewer per say as it might be getting things confused due to all the reviews they do. No compositor is going do an older machine any good without noticeable slow down. Wobbly windows also loose their appeal quickly.

    As for the browser we just switched to seamonkey in our new beta releases.

    Iceweasal is no lighter its just a rebranded firefox.

    You can read about our switch to seamonkey here that also points out how to download it on your current system and install our seamonkey mod as well.

    More see monkey info can be found here and here.
  • many thanks, will give seamonkey a try

  • It's it's probably just me being a noob, but I couldnt get seamonkey to work using these instructions.  I then used the PPA manager and added it that way. When I launch I get an error message about not having a profile

    What I have done ( and yes, I know it's not open source) is try Opera.  It is working very, very well, definitely faster than firefox on this system.  Also, online video such as youtube is superb

  • lxlelxle
    PMPosts: 2,656
    It says download and install seamonkey then use the mod. Opera may be nice but it's license isn't permissible.,

    Once installed simply replace the SeaMonkey directory with the one available in our downloadable zip and relaunch SeaMonkey.

    If you're using Linux you can download our SeaMonkey profile/mod and take it for a test drive. Simply extract the zip file to your desktop. Run the following command.

    Warning if you're already a SeaMonkey user you may want to backup your SeaMonkey directory located in your .mozilla folder in your home directory.

    Open a terminal and enter

    cd Desktop

    mv -i seamonkey ~/.mozilla/
  • Got it working, thanks!  The issue was that there was already a profile in Seamonkey, so the terminal wouldn't let me replace it.  After I found the file and deleted it, all was good.  

    Will give it a good test drive.   Early signs are that although it's very good, I am getting a lot of unresponsive script errors.  The only thing I don't like about it is that it's not quite as easy to close a tab as I'm used to, although thats not a big problem and for a faster, proper browser, it wouldnt stop me using it

    I'm also giving Opera a good test....and although I initially loved it due to it's slick interface,  some of it's page load times are far from brilliant and I'm not now sure it's any faster than firefox.  I understand it's no longer in development for linux, and that future releases will be based on chrome - so thats off putting...

    Thanks again for the help
  • lxlelxle
    PMPosts: 2,656
    Actually if you would have taken a closer look at the terminal after entering the command it was asking you if you were sure you wanted to replace it. You needed to response with Y then enter.
  • lxlelxle
    PMPosts: 2,656
    "not quite as easy to close a tab" or do you mean open a tab? The close tab buttons are located in the same place as firefox. If you meant open a new tab, either use the button on the left or right click on any tab or tab bar and select open new tab.
  • I did type "y" and also I tried "yes" in the terminal, but I didn't think of "Y"! Oh well, got there in the end!

    As for the tab thing, I did mean closing the tabs. The "x" is missing on each open tab, so I am right clicking the mouse to close each tab that way

    As for performance, it's generally doing really well. However I use proboards
    quite a lot, and it really doesn't seem to like those sites and keeps
    throwing up script error messages

    By the way, I'm loving this distro.   The browser thing is the only thing I'm not settled on.  As my netbook gets older and the net gets more complex....this is far from the distros fault.  I really appreciate the time you are putting into getting the best browser for older machines in future editions.

    I may be a noob, but last night I used systemback to create a USB live exact copy of my lxle, including all data and files.  I'm blown away that I could do that and I'm feeling pleased with myself!  I no longer need to fear messing something up and breaking the OS - although everything just works so I'm not tinkering like I have done in the past with linux distros

    I also really appreciate the work you have put into the app selection.  Clearly chosen with both performance and resources in mind, I am enjoying using and discovering the wise selection included.  Eg I have a very  large music collection...but Guayaqeque handles it really well without any fuss or excess drain on the system

    Im also enjoying the novelty of claws mail (instead of browser gmail) as it must be 10 years since I used a native email app. (and it extends my time away from the browser issue...)

    Many thanks again,
  • rfry85rfry85
    PMPosts: 210
    Well said,and I concur!
  • lxlelxle
    PMPosts: 2,656
    I think perhaps you didn't get the mod installed correctly. Inside the .mozilla folder is the seamonkey folder, replace that folder with the mod folder named seamonkey and then launch SeaMonkey.

    Here is a picture.

    As for the sites you're having trouble with try disabling bluhell firewall by clicking the icon next to the search bar and reloading those sites. Will probably work.
    Thanked by 1mrwaistcoat