Organizations Specializing in Recycling Computers & Charities
  • International Organizations Which Specialize in Recycling Computers and Charitable Gifts of Hardware:

    (Please add to this list, as you hear about other such groups.)



    • DarkDuck Interview with Patrick d'Emmabuntüs: I am Patrick d'Emmabuntüs and I
      came to the Linux World with the aim of helping refurbish computers in
      the Emmaüs Neuilly-Plaisance, the community in which the Mouvement Emmaüs was born in 1949 to combat poverty and homelessness. 
    • Emmabuntu - the software developedThis distribution was designed to facilitate the
      refurbishing of computers given to humanitarian organizations,
      especially Emmaüs communities, where the name comes from, and to promote
      the discovery of Linux by beginners, but also to extend the life of the
      equipment and to reduce waste caused by over-consumption of raw
      materials, as I have mentioned earlier.
    • Emmaus Charities  

    "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful citizens can change the world; indeed it is the only thing that ever has." - Margaret Mead