14.04.1 for 32-bit
  • I was just wondering is there going to be a 32-bit version of 14.04.1?
  • lxlelxle
    PMPosts: 2,656

    This is addressed through various release notes and in the forums here multiple times.

    12.04.5 better supports 32bit hardware kernel, drivers, modules, etc.

    The older kernel is responsible for this wider range of support. Why?

    Because with each release of a new kernel, drivers, modules, etc for older hardware is dropped that was once supported in previous versions of the kernel.
  • Do you mean that there is never going to be a newer version for 32-bit computers?
  • lxlelxle
    PMPosts: 2,656
    Never is a dangerous word to use, but probably not, anything old now is 64bit and as stated earlier the other one better supports that platform anyway.
  • _Robin__Robin_
    PMPosts: 2
    So when 12.04 reaches the end of it's support life, those of us still needing a 32-bit system will be forced to find another distro? Or just keep using 12.04 without support until our hardware finally quits.  I've got an ancient relic here that Linux has kept out of the landfill for years!  It'd be a shame to toss it because even Linux is too much for it...

    Confessions of a Technophobe:
  • lxlelxle
    PMPosts: 2,656
    Lubuntu 14.04 LTS ends the same time LXLE 12.04.5 ends.
  • _Robin__Robin_
    PMPosts: 2
    Well I guess that answers my question

    Confessions of a Technophobe: