LXLE 14.04.1 As Great as Expected!
  • rfry85rfry85
    PMPosts: 210
    You always do a great job of software selection, and of making it esteticly pleasing, all the while keeping system requirements low. It would be perfect if some upstream issues could be fixed.

    Shotwell "send to" is broken in Lubuntu 14.04 hence LXLE. It works in Ubuntu 14.04.  Does anyone know how to fix it?

    The lxpanel sytem tray is incapable of showing indicator-applets due to some gtk2 gtk3 problems. It doesn't sound like LXDE is going to fix it anytime soon.  I just use xfce4-panel as a system tray instead.

    Other than that I haven't found anything else to complain about, and the  issues above have nothing to do with LXLE.

    Great Job!
  • lxlelxle
    PMPosts: 2,656
    indicator applets show up find for me in the existing panel and i believe there is a specific 'indicator plugin you can add to the panel as well, as for sendto you can either use filemanager actions to create your own or you can use the following
