Teacher working accros SE Asia
  • NikoZNikoZ
    PMPosts: 9

    Hello all!

    My name is Niko and I teach Science in Indonesia, though I am set to move to Myanmar soon. I love learning about technology in my spare time and try to apply it to improve my classes and administration procedures. In our school we are already using some Linux solutions, for example AMC scoring software running on twelve LXDE -based computers in the computer lab. I also love using Beamer with Impressive, Sozi and JessyInk to enliven my classes.

    Some of the teachers and kids in my school have caught on and asked to install Linux and learn how to use Sozi. 

    Personally, I like using light DEs like Enlightenment and LXDE, I usually have two or three of those installed side by side on my laptop. So far LXLE looks very nice, I thought that Random Wallpaper solution was very clever to keep the system light. I ran into some initial problems as I set /home on a pre-formatted partition, I didn't know that a lot of configuration files would be left behind, but am trying to resolve it now. Thanks for providing this distro!

    Btw, cool forum interface.


  • ZakaZaka
    PMPosts: 202