Installation problems with LXLE 14.04 64bit and 12.04.4 32bit revisited
  • Hi. I already readed those threads about this problem:

    So, that's it (on my netbook - Intel Atom):
    14.04 crashes nearly by the final of installation
    12.04.4 Rev doesn't boot (grub options doesn't even appear)

    I tried all explanations of threads above: format pen-drive to 16FAT, used lots of live-usb creation programs (usb live creator, dd, unetbootin etc), no options marked etc... Md5 checksums are alright.

    However, version 14.04 did well by live-dvd on my desktop. But, couldn't get those newer LXLE to run on my netbook.
    So, I got the previous LXLE 12.04 64bit and it was successfully installed in netbook.

    Any ideas? Doesn't those new versions need some correction? LXLE is the best distro to run on a netbook...
    Thank you all.

  • famewolffamewolf
    PMPosts: 62
    I had a couple of laptop's that the livedvd would run fine on but the installer would consistantly crash on...something related to python....I ended up installing lxle to the hd while it was in a 3rd laptop and then moving the hd an alternative if you have any pc that CAN handle lxle's install you can use the clonezilla live cd to clone the hd and then restore the image to the laptop's in question which is what I do now when I need to put lxle on those laptop's.
  • Clonezilla, eh? Never used it before. I admit that I'm affraid of doing this because:
    - partitions' size of PC and Netbook have different size and order reference (is it a problem?)
    - My netbook has dual-boot with grub2; copying a partition clone would mess my boot... well, I could use a live-cd distro to correct the grub, right?
    - Linux installation autodetect hardware and activate modules on each start-up, right? Só, I don't need to worry about kernel modules... correct?
    I can try it when time permits... Thanks.
  • famewolffamewolf
    PMPosts: 62
    If it's simply a matter of the destination is larger than the host clonezilla handles it but not with dual booting and things like your case you may want to try installing on a 2nd pc and backing up just the root partition using clonezilla (it has option to only do a partition and not the full drive)....try a lubuntu install (not an lxde one) and then restore just the one partition over the lubuntu one post install.   If any of that sounds like greek then you probably wanna skip my advice rather than risk losing data.

    Keep the lubuntu/lxde versions and binaries consistent ie 14.04 x86_64 for both or 12.04 32 bit for both.
  • Thanks. I will try it on LXLE 14.04, from PC to Netbook.
    God help me... :-)