Change to Gigolo preferences, bug reports, etc.
  • famewolffamewolf
    PMPosts: 62
    On lxle 14.04 x86_64 in gigolo it still calls xterm and I believe this should be roxterm.

    During install the encrypt whole volume (LVM) option will abort telling you that you have an insecure swap (from the live dvd)...if you turn swap off it will still abort with another error and even unselecting the option to go back to "normal" install will still get an error about a partition being unavailable...a full reboot is required.   If this is another case of "it's always broken" such as the error on 32 bit 12.04 when you try to encrypt home for a user perhaps these options should be "greyed out" so they can't be selected?

    Bittorrent sync appears to have gotten left out of 12.04 revisited.
  • lxlelxle
    PMPosts: 2,656
    Xterm is also installed and works as intended its just hidden in the menus. Bittorent sync is in 12.04.4 revisited as well. I don't mess with installer much, if its broken in lxle then its broken in lubuntu/ubuntu as well, its up to them to 'grey' it out.