• HowdyHowdy
    PMPosts: 12
    Hello, I just installed LXLE-14.04-64 just a few days ago, on my totally Linux, AMD desktop. At the moment I have seven Linuxes installed. To tell the truth, LXLE is my favorite. I like the LXDE desktop, and I was looking for a Debian testing/Ubuntu based distro that is stable and dependable. I liked Lubuntu also, but I like the fact that LXLE crunches out the Lubuntu bugs and gives us a more stable experience. I have been using Linux now since about 1995. I got into Linux because I got tired of some guy deciding when "I" should upgrade "my" computer and send him some money. So, it's been a fun journey. I worked with Linux and Solaris professionally for 9 years on my last job. So, so far I like LXLE and will probably continue to use it. I like the feel of it, nice and smooth, and fast. I also like the other small touches here and there. Also, thank you for all of the nice wallpapers! That was a really nice surprise!
    Home built AMD64 tower, or, Lenovo X140e Netbook
  • ZakaZaka
    PMPosts: 202