memtest question
  • I have been wondering if my there is something wrong with my Ram because the Memtest installed on my system won't run.  It gives me an error message saying that my memory is too low.  However this doesn't all add up.  I ran several memtests from two memtest DVDs for hours and it didn't turn up anything wrong.  Today I decided to see what would happen if I ran the Memtests from the LXLE Live DVDs.  I tried 12.04 32 Bit Live, 12.04 64 Bit Live, and 14.04 64 Bit Live.  It runs just fine from all of those Live DVDs, but not from the grub boot loader installed on my system.  Do any of you have any ideas why I would get a an error message like this?  Could it be a bad installation?
  • lxlelxle
    PMPosts: 2,656
    Nothing is 'wrong' you really should start on a different easier distro before jumping into an lxde desktop, perhaps ubuntu, linux mint, or zorin os would be a better fit to first start off with, lxde isn't necessarily a 'beginners' desktop environment.
  • I tried replacing 12.04.4 RC with 14.04.  After booting into grub I tried the memtest and now it works.