compiz question maybe this is why compiz didn't work for me?
  • When I first installed Compiz I used the software center.  After not being able to get Compiz working I started working with compton.  I'm not so sure that I'm going to like compton since it doesn't have a nice graphic interface.  But I haven't completely given up on it.  I'm keeping my options opened.  I decided to look up Compiz in Synaptic Package Manager.  I noticed that there are many objects not installed.  Maybe these are the reason why Compiz didn't work right. 


    But when I check marked the uninstalled objects I got a warning.  Is this just something with LXLE or is it with every Linux OS?

  • lxlelxle
    PMPosts: 2,656
    thats a warning when using a ppa no big deal.