Urgent Update to 14.04, a must do
  • lxlelxle
    PMPosts: 2,656
    Lubuntu/LXDE team just recently pushed updates to their system components through the 'pre-release updates' option, something in which LXLE utilized in to order provide fresh system software updates. Unfortunately, the latest updates from LXDE/Lubuntu break their autostart / session manager. In otherwords selecting what components to start at startup are no longer able to be managed/controlled by lxsession manager aka 'Default application for LXSession'.

    We are working on a new spin that will not include these updates and will not have pre-release enabled by default, which is a shame since we liked the idea of extremely fresh system component/software updates. Unfortunately, regardless of this being a safe avenue in the 12.04 series, it seems this is not the case with 14.04.

    For everyone who has already installed LXLE 14.04 we suggest disabling 'pre-release updates' in synaptic package manager under the settings menu and repositories/updates tab. Also be sure to do a search in synaptic 'by name' only for linux-image-generic and install it, to ensure the kernel updates as expected, this was an omission error pointed out by one of our savvy users.

    LXLE 12.04.4 revisited has not been affected and is still available for download. We immediately remedied the issue and provided a new ISO so no further issues should arise for anyone else that may download LXLE 14.04. We apologize for any issues that arose and thank you for understanding this urgent situation.
  • mfrazzzmfrazzz
    PMPosts: 18
    I prefer to use apt-get to do my updates.  If I make this change using Synaptic, does that fix it so an apt-get dist-upgrade will not have the problem?
  • lxlelxle
    PMPosts: 2,656
    ya, but remember synaptic does nothing more then use / send apt-get commands to the using a gui. There is no different command or anything, its the same exact thing as using the terminal and apt-get.
  • mfrazzzmfrazzz
    PMPosts: 18
    Yep, thats what I figured with Synaptic, just issuing the apt-get commands.  I've worked around Unix and Linux for a long time and come from the days of command line, so I tend to always have at least one terminal window open, and find it faster to use a terminal for stuff like updating, rather than starting and using a GUI (GUI is nice to take the complication out of maintaining files or doing things I don't remember how to issue commands for (like maintaining repositories and such).

    And yes, I prefer vi over nano and gedit ;)
  • lxlelxle
    PMPosts: 2,656
    Perhaps I'm a bit artsy/visual, I've always leaned on gui interfaces perhaps for the same reason you head to the command line, just more comfortable there.
  • is this what caused my updates button to start opening synaptic package manager instead of auto-updating everything fast and easy?  also, the new kodi is no where to be found since xbmc is now lacking.
  • can anyone point me to the post which fixes the update button back to the way it used to be?  I first noticed this several months ago but, have been too busy to seek an answer.  Since then I have installed 14.04.3 a few times and it seems to be broken from the get go.  also, do i need to add some other repository to get kodi and updates?  my old xbmc install broke after an update.  it was then that i learned xbmc is dead now.  how dangerous is it for updates when i add other repositories?  i havnt seen any problems yet with the one i added backbox repositories to.