Panel Settings won't stick
  • SallyKSallyK
    PMPosts: 6
    I've been doing some tweaking of my panels in the new 32bit LXLE 12.04.4, using the OSX paradigm, but I'm having problems getting the appearance settings to stick. I change the colour of the panel, but every time I log out or reboot it switches to white #FFFFFF. A side panel also refuses to stay dynamically sized.

    Can you think of anything I can do to solve this? Hopefully I'm missing something obvious - thank you any help you can give me with this.
  • lxlelxle
    PMPosts: 2,656
    hmmm not sure, if I can replicate it I'll figure it out, in the mean time you can edit your panels directly by opening them in gedit, they are located in


    To find .config you may have to 'show hidden' in pcmanfm, its located in your home directory.
  • SallyKSallyK
    PMPosts: 6
    Thank you very much - I edited the config files, and that seems to have done the trick. :-) I still have no idea what caused the problem, but it's solved for now.
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