Synaptic Package Manager Question What does this mean???
  • I'm currently looking over the Synaptic Package Manager.  Along the left hand side there is a list.

    Community Maintained (installed)
    Marked Changes
    Missing Recommends
    Package with Debconf
    Residual configs
    Search Filter
    Upgradable (upstream)

    I'm not sure what all these mean.  I don't have anything under Broken.  I have a bunch under Community Maintained (Installed).  I have a bunch under Installed.  I don't have anything under Marked Changes.  I have a bunch under Missing Recommends.  I have three under Orphaned.  I have a long list of stuff under Package with Debconf but only about 16 of them are check marked.  Under Residual configs there is about 20 items and none of them are checked marked.  The Search Filter has a huge list of items and some of them are check marked.  I don't have anything under Upgradable (upstream).

    I think what interests me the most is Missing Recommends because it makes me curious if those should be installed or not? Orphaned also interests me because it makes me curious if these are items that are installed but not working?  Broken would be of interest to me if there was something in it. Upgradable (Upstream) would also interest me if there was something in it.

    Should I install the Missing Recommends and Remove the Orphaned?
  • lxlelxle
    PMPosts: 2,656
    learn the system, adding and removing programs using synaptic and leave those options alone for another day.
  • I'm curious if maybe the reason why I haven't gotten My Wifi (Linksys AE1200) or Compiz to work for me is because of something missing in the Missing Recommends or not.  As far as actually learning Synaptic it doesn't appear to be hard to learn but everyone of these managers are a little different.  What troubles me is how some of these pick up things that others do not.  I learned that from watching some tutorials on youtube by people like


    Matthew Moore