Suggestion: Replace firefox with Pale Moon
  • famewolffamewolf
    PMPosts: 62

    What is Pale moon?  I'll quote from their web pages to explain: [ ]


    • Optimized for modern processors (SSE2)
    • Based on the source code of Firefox
    • Unnecessary bloat (social API, accessibility features, WebRTC) removed
    • Support for Firefox extensions (add-ons) and themes
    • More customization and configuration options than Firefox

    Pale Moon is an open source, web browser based on Firefox focusing on efficiency by leaving out unnecessary features and making optimizations to maximize the browser's speed, stability and user experience, while maintaining compatibility with the thousands of Firefox extensions you have come to love and rely on.

    Pale Moon will continue to provide a familiar set of controls and visual feedback similar to previous versions of Firefox, including grouped navigation buttons, a bookmarks toolbar that is enabled by default, tabs next to page content by default (easily switchable) and a functional status bar.

    More information regarding the project is available on the Pale Moon project's home page.

  • lxlelxle
    PMPosts: 2,656
    Unnecessary bloat (social API, accessibility features, WebRTC) removed

    too many people rely on the accessibility features  and webrtc may interfere with audio and or video chat sites as for the social api, one could probably due without it, but considering how big those social sites are i would be hesitant that it won't be missed.
  • A better choice for an alternative browser could be Slimboat.