Not a good start!
  • As you'll see I managed to duplicate a 'Help' request in the 'News' thread by mistake. Messing up my first post here and causing extra work for people is probably not the best way to endear myself to the Admins! (Sorry!)

    Anyway - I'm a distro-hopper that had settled on 'crunchbang' for a year or so.

    Poking around in my backups I found an iso for LXLE 12.04. Ran it 'live' ... loved it ... installed it and found it as light as I need on a very under-powered netbook and plenty of attractive features.
    Now trying to get LXLE 12.04.4 to install hence the mayhem I'm causing.

    Glad to have given LXLE a spin ......
  • ZakaZaka
    PMPosts: 202