Desktop goes away
  • SVGussSVGuss
    PMPosts: 8
    I'm using xp paradigm.
    Everything starts ok but after some time (a couple of hours) suddenly my desktop wallpaper disappears, or rather, just becomes blue, and a right click on it brings up a different (as it was originally after fresh LXLE install I guess) menu (Create New Folder, Create New Document, Organize Desktop by Name, etc.), not the one I've made through menu.xml.
    I tried to change wallpaper or restart openbox, it doesn't help, the Desktop is just plain blue and I have to restart to get back the wallpaper and the right menu.
    Any ideas about this weird behavior?

  • lxlelxle
    PMPosts: 2,656
    probably something to do with the custom menu.xml file you created
  • SVGussSVGuss
    PMPosts: 8
    well, I did it with obmenu, did not touch the text file itself. 
    And that wouldn't remove the wallpaper, would it?

    By the way, something similar happened when I used netbook paradigm (At that moment the system was completely fresh) - the tabbed light blue desktop would also disappear and a wallpaper picture would come up.

    Dunno :(
  • lxlelxle
    PMPosts: 2,656
    not sure, haven't heard nor experienced such a problem perhaps try searching
  • SVGussSVGuss
    PMPosts: 8
    I'll try, thanks. I'll write here if i find the solution so please don't close the thread. I can't reproduce the bug so far so it'll take some time.
  • SVGussSVGuss
    PMPosts: 8
    I think I got it! 
    Unfortunately, the solution page is not in English:
    It was Nautilus that was changing the desktop, I killed it by Task Manager and got everything back.
    They talk on that page about changing some key, a guy says something like this: 
    - In my hotkeys I have "opening Home folder", I added the key "nautilus --no-desktop "path_to_folder", and it worked
    Well, I have no clue what that is about... so I just uninstalled Nautilus, hope that'll do :) 
    ps strange things happen in this forum with text: part of the message becomes highlighted with white and you can't see the text. Well, I have to highlight the whole text black now.
  • lxlelxle
    PMPosts: 2,656
    nautilus does not come preinstalled with lxle, perhaps you installed it exploring software.
  • SVGussSVGuss
    PMPosts: 8
    I didn't install specifically nautilus but it was probably a part of some other package of those few I did install. 
    Anyway, everything seems to be working ok now.
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