  • Hi, this was supposed to be posted in " Off Topic ", but it seems i have to make a new thread and not just a post.
    is it just me or is something missing here?
    Anyway, this post is for any Windows Losers out there - OOPS ! , sorry about that , I meant to say Windows Users - honest I did, -
    anyway, ahem, I just wanted to let you know the Pirate Bay has introduced a new browser named PirateBrowser - it works with WindowsXP/Windows7 and even Windows8.
  • lxlelxle
    PMPosts: 2,656
    When you post a new thread you can pick your category from the drop down menu.
  • somnambulist you mispelled it twice.

    The proper nomenclature is "Windows Luser" :P
  • Well, here we have a likely pirate who ironically has an interest in Windows software and somebody who thinks he can spell but actually can't, referring to others as losers. Guess I'm just not 1337 enough to get it.