Add/remove programs from laptop paradigm
  • I would like to customize this paradigm, with certain programs in some of the tabs, and removing others that I don't use
    How can I do it?
    Thank you
  • lxlelxle
    PMPosts: 2,656
    synaptic package manager
  • but I mean, the shortcuts on the tabs, for example, in Tab office, I want Abiword and Gnumeric (just these two)
    (maybe i will use the other programs in the future, dont need to uninstall them, just remove them from the tab)
  • lxlelxle
    PMPosts: 2,656
    i assume when your speaking of 'the tab' you talking about what appears in the system menu, if so then you can use the 'menu editor'.

    Menu>System Tools>Menu Editor
  • Sorry I said laptop paradigm, I meant netbook paradigm (that you choose at logon)
    You have 5 tabs: translating from my language it should be
    Internet, Work, Learn, Have fun, Preferences
    I would like for example, add another tab called Books, with programs for editing/viewing books
    and for example, in tab Work, just have Abiword and gnumeric
    Sorry my question wasn't perfectly explained
    to sum up: how to add shortcuts to programs in tabs, how remove them, how to create new tabs...
  • lxlelxle
    PMPosts: 2,656
    Still the same, you should be able to use menu editor to create new menu categories with the apps you want in the sub menu.  In other words, the lxlauncher which is responsible for the interface of the netbook paradigm should be getting its tabs and programs from the standard system menu, therefore editing the standard system menu should also alter lxlauncher which is used in the netbook paradigm. After altering the menus a restart may be needed and or at least a log out.
  • ok, thank you for pointing into the right direction, some shortcuts removed, but i can't find a way to add new tab, I said "add launcher" but it doesn't show after restart.
    I asigned System in the boxes, just to try a category, but don't really know where to assign