UEFI Only install with LXLE 64 bit
  • Hello,
    I am wondering if an install in an UEFI only enviroment is possible? When creating a Live Stick of LUbuntu 64 bit for example I get the necessary folders/files for booting on an UEFI system (e.g. grubx64.efi). Sadly, when I prepare my stick with the latest LXLE iso, I do not receive any of these files and therefore I am not able to boot the Live Stick. So there seems to be a change in that area, which results in LXLE being unusable... :(

    Any suggestions?

    Kind regards!
  • lxlelxle
    PMPosts: 2,656
    UEFI is absolutely useless, no actually real world study has ever proven that it provides anymore/better security that a standard run of the mill bios.... it's really nothing more than a Microsoft con to get every hardware and software manufacturer to pay them a fee, a MS tax , aka license. I could care less if lxle ever supports it. Turn it off in your bios and get back to computing an stop worrying about PC politics because thats all UEFI is good for, manipulating the industry.
  • lxlelxle
    PMPosts: 2,656
    As far as I know, Lubuntu 14.04 may support UEFI, but Lubuntu 12.04 did not, which is why you can't find it in LXLE since its still based off of Lubuntu 12.04, most likely when LXLE 14.04 is released it will inherit the UEFI compatibility.
  • Thanks for your answer. I am not happy with using UEFI only. However, I am not able to change this restriction. I thought 12.04 already supported UEFI.... My bad. I will test LXLE 14.04 than ;-)
  • lxlelxle
    PMPosts: 2,656
    You should be able to turn off UEFI in the bios.
  • Sadly my company restricts bios access.