Display problem
  • airjetairjet
    PMPosts: 20
    This past week, I have attempted to install a dual boot with LXLE and WinXP, and I never noticed any problems. After installation, when I boot up, I have a message that reads: "1: Analog Input cannot display this video mode."  I reckon there is supposed to be a display that lets me select which O.S. to boot. I've Googled my problem, but, so far, what recommendations some have made doesn't work for me (i.e. hold down Shift key, and hold down C key). When I do get this display, I have found that I can hit Enter and boot to LXLE, or arrow down 5 times, hit Enter, and go into XP.

    If, and before, anyone can help me, you need to know that you will have to be patient with me and keep it simple. Sorry, but I know just about nothing about this type of operating system. However, I would like to learn enough so I can get away from Microsoft products. Thanks for any help given.
  • ZakaZaka
    PMPosts: 202
    Sounds like GRUB (grand unified boot loader, which allows you to select the OS to boot) is working OK.

    The "Analog Input cannot display this video mode" is a resolution issue.  Does everything look fine once you boot to LXLE?  How about the display in XP? 

    LXLE (which uses the X Windows system) may be able to use a higher resolution than XP ~ but why that would be in effect after a re-boot doesn't make sense, at least to me.

    As it is happening before you load the OS, you might check the BIOS settings if any.

    If it's just a boot issue and there are no ill effects once you are booted into either LXLE or XP, then I wouldn't fret about it.
  • lxlelxle
    PMPosts: 2,656
    Open a terminal.

    • sudo apt-get install v86d hwinfo
    • sudo hwinfo --framebuffer

    This will show you your supported resolutions. Take note.

    • gksudo gedit /etc/default/grub

    Search for - GRUB_GFXMODE=

    below this you need to type:

    GRUB_GFXPAYLOAD_LINUX=1024x768 <- your-resolution-here

    Save the file and then in a terminal.
    • echo FRAMEBUFFER=y | sudo tee /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/splash
    • sudo update-grub2
    • sudo update-initramfs -u

    **Source http://askubuntu.com/questions/6033/enabling-nvidia-driver-messes-up-splash-screen

  • airjetairjet
    PMPosts: 20
    Hey, lxle. I followed your instructions until after I ran sudo update-grub2, and I got this: sudo: update-grub2: command not found.I did not do sudo update-iniitramfs -u, since I could not complete grub 2 update. Want me to find grub 2 and install it?
    In my grub file, I found this line configured as "#GRUB_GFXMODE=640x480".  Should it have the # ? I posted this line next "GRUB_GFXPAYLOAD_LINUX=1280x1024" (without quotes) also without the #.

    I think my XP display is different from LXLE, in reference to Zaka, but what time I have is spent mostly in LXLE.

  • lxlelxle
    PMPosts: 2,656
    Then you must have entered it incorrectly

    sudo update-grub2

    if it doesn't work again then try

    sudo update-grub
  • airjetairjet
    PMPosts: 20
    Well, I copied and pasted sudo update-grub2 and got this:
    tom@tom-OptiPlex-320:~$ sudo update-grub2
    [sudo] password for tom:
    sudo: update-grub2: command not found

    Next, I did this: sudo update-grub and I got this:
    tom@tom-OptiPlex-320:~$ sudo update-grub
    Searching for GRUB installation directory ... found: /boot/grub
    Searching for default file ... Generating /boot/grub/default file and setting the default boot entry to 0
    Searching for GRUB installation directory ... found: /boot/grub
    Testing for an existing GRUB menu.lst file ...

    Could not find /boot/grub/menu.lst file. Would you like /boot/grub/menu.lst generated for you? (y/N) y
    Searching for splash image ... none found, skipping ...
    Found GRUB 2: /boot/grub/core.img
    Found kernel: /boot/memtest86+.bin
    Found kernel: /boot/vmlinuz-3.2.0-61-generic
    Found kernel: /boot/vmlinuz-3.2.0-60-generic
    Found kernel: /boot/vmlinuz-3.2.0-58-generic
    Found GRUB 2: /boot/grub/core.img
    Found kernel: /boot/memtest86+.bin
    Updating /boot/grub/menu.lst ... done

    I noticed the line above about Grub 2 as an image, so I tried this again with no positive results:
    tom@tom-OptiPlex-320:~$ sudo update-grub2
    sudo: update-grub2: command not found

    Thanks for being patient. So, let me know what you think I need to do next.

  • lxlelxle
    PMPosts: 2,656
  • airjetairjet
    PMPosts: 20
    I did a restart and nothing has changed, yet.
  • lxlelxle
    PMPosts: 2,656
    you needed to remove the # from GRUB_GFXMODE , sorry didn't see your question

    there is a graphical way to handle all of this and handle any boot problems


    Thanked by 1Zaka
  • airjetairjet
    PMPosts: 20
    Ok, lxle.  You got'er done. I followed your link to Boot-Repair and followed their steps to create a boot-repair-disk. After running that disk, I rebooted and was eventually greeted with the gtub window to select what I wanted. I did that and the window disappeared, and BEHOLD! the "Analog Input.."message appeared for about 4 seconds and disappeared. Only did that when I booted into LXLE, but, at last, I have the grub window. If it's alright with you, let's call this fixed, and many, many thanks!
    Thanked by 1Zaka
  • airjetairjet
    PMPosts: 20
    I re-read my post and I feel like I blubbered a lot. Sorry, but it's late and I'm worn out. If there is something else that you think I need to do, just let me know. Thanks again and God bless.
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