How do you delete files?
  • steve_osteve_o
    PMPosts: 26
    In PCManFM if you right-click 'delete' you have the option of putting the file  in the trash-can or not. If not is selected the file the file is not deleted which it should be if you don't want to put it in the trash.
    If you select trash and then select the 'wast-management' icon in the bottom right panel there is no way to remove to the file!! Right-click merely selects the panel manager and left-click starts up PCManFM if the trash directory!!! If you now select delete again  you get the option of putting it in the trash aaarrrrrrrrgggggghhhhhh.
  • ZakaZaka
    PMPosts: 202
    If I understand correctly, the waste basket icon is an indicator and shortcut to the trash directory in PCManFM.

    Perhaps an old habit to lose and a new one to adopt? 
    A solution would be to use the panel icon as an indicator, or delete it all together.  Opt to do the housekeeping chores from the file manager.

    Personally, I'm not an 'icon' person and use Nautilus rather than PCManFM.

    All the 'choice' in Linux can be a mixed blessing at times, or an embarrassment of riches.
  • steve_osteve_o
    PMPosts: 26

    The problem is that there is *no* choice. Neither delete in file-manager nor delete in the trash-can work !!!
    I have no problem going to "/home/steve/.local/share/Trash/files" in a terminal window and doing 'rm -r', but it would have been convenient to be able to delete files from an empty-trash-can option when clicking on the trash-can icon.
    Better still I would like to be able to right-click-delete in file-manager or use the delete-key and have files deleted there and then without having to use the trash can.
  • ZakaZaka
    PMPosts: 202
    Ah..sorry for the misunderstanding.  And yeah, having to resort to the terminal for such a simple and frequent task is far from a good work-around.

    I can only say that files delete as they are supposed to (even a 'permanent delete' option) in Nautilus.  The panel icon, however,  will stay defaulted to PCManFM unless you change that.  (I just ignore it and will prolly get around to deleting it sooner or later.)  image

    I changed to Nautilus for my own consistency sake, e.g., it behaved as expected.  You might find it more to your liking as well.  (Just install it from Synaptic.)

    Apologize for not being a PCManFM guru or even fan, but I'm sure someone more versed in it's workings will have an answer for you if you choose to remain with that file manager.
  • lxlelxle
    PMPosts: 2,656
    There has never been support for a 'right clickable' trash can in the lxpanel of any lxde distro ever. Because there isn't such an option. As far as I'm aware no other LXDE based distro besides lxle even gives you the option to have a shortcut to your trash in PCManFM, which is all the trashcan in the panel in LXLE is.

    This is how deleting files works in any LXDE based distro. First you right click on a file and select delete. Then you open PCManFM (file manager), if not already open, right click on the 'trashcan' icon shown in on the left side of the panel and select 'empty trash'.