Monitor Will Not Keep Settings

  • I installed LXLE on my laptop with no problems so I installed it
    on my desktop but it will not hold my monitor configuration. 
    When I ran the live CD it showed the resolution as 1280x1024 with a
    refresh rate of 85.0 and it looked great.  After the install to
    the hard drive now it shows resolution auto and refresh rate of auto.
    It now looks like old 800x600. I have tried to set it back and save
    it with no luck. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

  • lxlelxle
    PMPosts: 2,656
    Any drivers available for your graphics card/chip?

    Menu>Preferences>Additional Drivers

    Enable the recommended driver if they are available.

    If none are available, perhaps open up a terminal and enter the following

    sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg

    restart and see if any changes occur or if your now able to make changes stick.
  • Thanks lxle, that worked like a charm.