Minor problem with Wallpaper Changer
  • I really like the low-resource wallpaper changer that you've included with LXLE - a great choice for a lightweight but not boring system.

    I only have one problem with it - my Wallpaper folder also contains hidden files that are thumbnails of the full size wallpapers. I'm not sure whether this is normal, because I'd never noticed them before, but the wallpaper changer insists on picking them up and I get horribly blurred distorted wallpaper. Is there any way of making it ignore hidden files, or setting a minimum size for the images it chooses?

    Thank you for any help you can give me.
  • lxlelxle
    PMPosts: 2,656
    Take the thumbnails out of the folder. If they are hidden, you won't miss them anyway.
  • *feels stupid*  Sorry to have bothered you, that was such a simple solution.

    I was concerned that they were created by the file manager to display what the bigger images looked like, but actually removing the hidden files made no difference, I can still see the previews. I have no idea where they did come from, but I've used this data partition with a dozen or more different distros, so it must just have picked them up somewhere along the way.
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