"Body is Required" error message with W7/MS Word
  • I have successfully installed LXLE beside XP Pro on my old Pentium 4 desktop and it works great.  I am typing this message in gedit and will copy it to a forum post, and you will see this message if that copy works.  However, when I try to do that same thing (copy a comment to a forum post) using my newer laptop PC with Windows 7 Pro and MS Word, I receive an error message that says "Body is Required" and the text that I copied is erased from the forum message box.  Why does this happen with W7/MS Word and is there anything that I can do about it?  Thanks for any suggestions. 
  • lxlelxle
    PMPosts: 2,656
    MS errors are for MS to solve.
  • ZakaZaka
    PMPosts: 202
    image Yeah, ya' stepped on it M8.

    The right app for the job in the Windoze world would be Notepad...if memory serves. However, perhaps your pc is trying to tell you that prefers LXLE?

  • Thanks, Zaka, for your note. 

    I tried Windows Internet Explorer/Notepad but got the same
    error message: "Body is Required". 

    "Times New Roman";mso-ansi-language:EN-US;mso-fareast-language:EN-US;
    mso-bidi-language:AR-SA">Then I tried Firefox/MS Word.  If you see this message, then that
  • So the problem is apparently the use of Internet Explorer with this message board, since Firefox seems to work.  thanks - I'll remember that, although it's inconvenient since I use Internet Explorer for everything else. 
    I typed this message directly into the message box; if you see this message, then that works also with Firefox. 
  • ZakaZaka
    PMPosts: 202
    Roger,  I may be a bit slow on the uptake ~ but you are posting in the LXLE forum, which is all about the LXLE re-spin of Lubuntu, which is a flavor of Ubuntu, that sprang from Debian ~ and everyone of these operating systems are LINUX...why, may I ask are you using Windows (you have to be to be using Internet Explorer, unless you are using an emulator, in which case you wouldn't be making a query about copy/paste) to participate in this forum?

    If you haven't yet loaded LXLE on your computer, I suggest you load the live CD and install from the desktop and follow the instructions for setting up a dual-boot with Windows and LXLE.

    Booting to LXLE will let you participate fully and get familiar with the programs and web browser (Firefox) that most people in the Linux world use.  I suspect that after a small learning curve you will be quite pleased with LXLE.  There are great folks here that will be glad to answer your questions ~ especially regarding LXLE.

    Good Luck!
  • lxlelxle
    PMPosts: 2,656
    @Zaka He's just saying the forums don't work well with IE, and while I should be concerned, I'm actually not, I stop supporting that OS and browser years ago. If something doesn't work in Windows or IE it could be anything, honestly.
    Thanked by 1Zaka
  • ZakaZaka
    PMPosts: 202
    I hear ya' lxle ~ hell's bells, I stopped supporting IE back in the days when you had to PAY for Netscape. image

    I recently had to use it on a friend's rig and trust me, it hasn't improved any.

    @Roger ~ You don't get any brownie points for sticking with an over-priced, bloated, invasive and belligerent OS/browser and Bill Gates won't show up at your doorstep with a lawsuit if you leave the fold.  The web-world is a large place and those that participate should play well with others and not run with scissors. 

    Welcome to the Open Source World!

  • P { margin-bottom: 0.08in; direction: ltr; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); widows: 2; orphans: 2; }P.western { font-family: "Times New Roman",serif; font-size: 12pt; }P.cjk { font-family: "Times New Roman",serif; font-size: 12pt; }P.ctl { font-family: "Times New Roman",serif; font-size: 12pt; }A:visited { color: rgb(128, 0, 128); }A.western:visited { }A.cjk:visited { }A.ctl:visited { }A:link { color: rgb(0, 0, 255A final comment:
    I have tried literally for years to use some version of LINUX; LXLE
    is the first distro that has actually installed and come up, so I am
    interested in it. But my day job is Windows and it's not feasible
    or practical to change. That's why I sometimes post on the LXLE
    forums with Windows/IE/MS Word when it's handier to do that than to
    bring up LXLE. It's your distro and you can do what you want with
    it; but obviously I'm not installing it on my other PC's until I'm
    sure it works, and if a basic feature such as the Help forums don't
    work in some situations, even when you know the problem, that
    suggests that other things may not work or won't be fixed. So
    that's a possible obstacle to Windows users or anybody else, and, of
    course, Bill Gates is happy with any obstacles to LINUX usage.
    Nevertheless, LXLE does seem to work, so thanks for that, and I plan
    to keep experimenting with it, but I do think it would be in your
    own best interest to fix basic (likely simple) problems, especially
    when new users notice them. But it's your system, not mine.

    1. A final comment:
      I have tried literally for years to use some version of LINUX; LXLE
      is the first distro that has actually installed and came up, so I am
      interested in it. But my day job is Windows and it's not feasible
      or practical to change. That's why I sometimes post on the LXLE
      forums with Windows/IE/MS Word when it's handier to do that than to
      bring up LXLE. It's your distro and you can do what you want with
      it; but obviously I'm not installing it on my other PC's until I'm
      sure it works, and if a basic feature such as the Help forums don't
      work in some situations, even when you know the problem, that
      suggests that other things may not work or won't be fixed. So
      that's a possible obstacle to Windows users or anybody else, and, of
      course, Bill Gates is happy with any obstacles to LINUX usage.
      Nevertheless, LXLE does seem to work, so thanks for that, and I plan
      to keep experimenting with it, but I do think it would be in your
      own best interest to fix basic (likely simple) problems, especially
      when new users notice them. But it's your system, not mine.

    1. Sorry for the double post in the previous note - not sure why it happened. 
    2. @RogerF LXLE Support and Development resources have to prioritize tasks and typically the bugs that affect many users will get worked on as a priority; currently this is relatively low priority and it also has a work-around, so it is not a 'show stopper'. For now it will remain as an open problem and we'll wait to see how many other LXLE users report it. Thank you for trying LXLE.