Problems during the first update.
  • In my first installation of LXLE during the first update something went wrong, a couple of times it asked me to choose about a different location to install some updates, one of them was samba.
    Something like: The update wants to install in a different directory than the one already there, what do you want to do? The default answer was to leave it in the default folder. I probably got the wrong answer choosing a new destination and it immediately notified me of the errors. In subsequent updates terminal always notified me that there were too many errors during the updates.
    I decided to reinstall LXLE, same error with samba and another application whose name I don't remember, this time I choose to install in the default folder, but from the terminal it warned me that samba didn't start.
    I don't understand why this problem occurs also because I don't know how to deal with it, I don't know what to choose from the options that the operating system offers me, I feel like I have to rely on chance...
    Everything else seems work perfectly.

  • lxlelxle
    PMPosts: 2,656
    Did you install LXLE while disconnected from the internet? What did you use to update the system afterwards?
  • Yes, the installation was done without an internet connection, I was aware of this problem.
    For subsequent updates I always used the same application made available on LXLE.

  • By installation without internet connection I mean:
    installation from live usb, without entering password to access wifi and without connecting cable to the router.
    I hope it is correct.
  • lxlelxle
    PMPosts: 2,656
    ok great... what are you using to update the system?