Can I upgrade LXLE 16 to 18 or is reinstall needed?
  • I've been running the out-dated LXLE 16.04.4 for a long time now, as there was vital software on there I needed. Now that I'm done with that, I'd like to upgrade to LXLE 18 or above, something that still has regular software updates. Is there a way to 'upgrade' to LXLE 18 without have to format and reinstall? Would save me a lot of time making back-ups and changing all the settings to my preferences again. I've searched the forum but couldn't find an answer, this would be my first time upgrading a *nix distro.

  • lxlelxle
    PMPosts: 2,656
    Wouldn't be easy.... technically you could download 18 put it on a flash drive boot up from it and the installer 'should' say something about upgrade then do it again with focal...

    Personally, I'd backup and start fresh with focal... 

    *note* with focal you must be disconnected from the internet before you install.

    Keep in my LXLE is a respin as opposed to an independent distribution.

  • MNPRogerMNPRoger
    PMPosts: 2
    Thanks for the answers, I was already afraid that was the case. I'll have a look into it. Thanks for all the effort you put in this!
    Thanked by 1lxle