LXLE Focal Released
  • Hi,
    Anyone who already downloaded it please stand for torrent.
    SourceForge is a big problem for me, I get 35 KB/s and 1 day+ ETA
  • lxlelxle
    PMPosts: 2,656
    One of the cool new features is LXLE users no longer need redshift on their systems sucking up 50+ megs of ram and system resources sitting in the background. LXLE Focal provides a simple on off utility for night viewing that uses no system resource no memory in the background.... it's called 'nite lite switch'
  • LXLE focal positive report:
     - longtime intermediate level linux user
     - recently dl/ed focal, torrent not available (I see it now, msg here)
     - linuxtracker torrent search didn't work for me, shows beta only
     - md5 confirmed, authentication sig not available
     - wrote .iso to Ventoy (V upped to a CI for EasyOS)
     - booted, very long unwanted fsck process
     - very pleased w/ free -m report 250meg used to desktop
     - apt update, install xkbset to provide sticky keys
     - I have a free proton account incl vpn
     - enhanced nm w/ proton vpn wireguard instructions* for ub 20.04
     - successful import of proton-generated WG .conf file
     - connnected via WG VPN
     - testing wg/opvn, wg faster

  • lxlelxle
    PMPosts: 2,656
    Install on actual hardware or only use live iso?
  • Generally; I only use live USB, typically Ventoy, sometimes live USB + persistence created w/ mkusb from Ub .ppa.  My daily driver is currently Mint Cinnamon.

    My report was about a live LXLE on a Ventoy stick, no persistence.

    Thank you for your dev of LXLE; interesting that you are sticking w/ the LXDE + OB to keep the resource usage down, kinda Raspbian-style.
  • > Generally; I only use live USB, typically Ventoy, sometimes live USB + persistence created w/ mkusb from Ub .ppa.

    I decided to 'upgrade' my exam of LXLE focal by giving it its own USB + persistence instead of an option on a Ventoy stick. I'm also testing it on an old low resource system.
  • lxlelxle
    PMPosts: 2,656
    oh I see. I tried to eliminate the excessive fsck check on live boot but was unable to track it down. Hopefully next release I'll eliminate that. I'm just a regular bloke who originally whipped up an installable OS of my liking nearly 10 years ago so I could easily install it on customers old computers at the computer repair shop I was working for at the time. I put it online and to my shock it blew up and the next thing I knew I was thrown into 'making distros'. So here I am 9 years later trying to keep it going with as little time as ever thanks to our young child which to our surprise we had so late in life.

    Once installed the boot process doesn't suffer from the excessive fsck which is why I was asking if you had installed it. Hopefully you still find it useful and thanks for reporting.
  • Mike_EasterMike_Easter
    PMPosts: 19
    > I tried to eliminate the excessive fsck check on live boot but was unable to track it down.

    I moved the boot parameter fsck.mode=skip to an earlier part of the boot command and got the fsck skipped.

    > as little time as ever thanks to our young child which to our surprise we had so late in life.

    Ha! Good for you and your spouse; that'll keep you both 'younger'.

    I've booted LXLE on a low resource machine w/ nvidia graphics, the vid seems OK w/ the nouveau driver; so far I've been unsuccessful at using the driver manager to load the nvidia proprietary driver, I've now put LXLE on a bigger mkusb persistent live USB to see if that will help.  The 2G device gets pokey if it has something hard to do while running in ram.
    Thanked by 1lxle
  • lxlelxle
    PMPosts: 2,656
    Nice...... I'll add that and sneak a replacement iso in during late night sometime soon.