A couple issues for the next release
  • trinitytrinity
    PMPosts: 20
    First off, thank you for the best lightweight distro out there.  I do not offer that praise lightly.  It really is the best.

    Issue #1:  /home/(user id here)/.cache/lxsession/LXDE/run.log
    This should be enabled by default (have that log disabled or symlinked).  That has crippled three different PCs that I have personally witnessed.

    Issue #2:
    I forget the name of LXLE's one-click-updater tool.  You should have it be automatic (default options forced) when it is run.  People should not have to type Y/N for whatever-the-flip it is.  You can have an "advanced mode" for people who want to fiddle.

    Lastly, thanks again for all of the hard work on LXLE. I think you might be surprised how many computers are running it!  I was delighted to read recently that you were working on another release!
  • lxlelxle
    PMPosts: 2,656
    I'll keep those things in mind. As far as automating the upgrade process it's always going to ask those questions. Not much can be done about that.

    I'm almost certainly going to stick with the lightweight apps. I've struggled with the idea of replacing some of them with heavier programs. Particularly the browser.

    However modern browsers are such pigs and everyone has their preference. So more than likely I will be sticking with seamonkey only this time more slimmed down with only essential plugins and modifications so not to break it on updates.

    Pound for pound Seamonkey is still the best truly lightweight browser, email, irc, calendar client out there hands down.

    As for other things people would like to see changed or included I'm all ears.
  • #1
    Pinta is great but regularly crashes when you just start doing
    something. I had found a solution which was about installing some
    packages. I don't remember what it was exactly... Maybe this will help:
    I remember that after installing some package the crashes almost disappeared.

    Color picker app. Would be great to have one, lightweight. Be available to pick in different formats like rgb() and #hex.

    Please add "Noto Naskh" font for arabic if it not already present.

    Arista Transcoder didn't work for me at all. Though it really seems like a very useful app.

    Parole Media Player can't play .mov files. It asks to install plugin and
    when you agree it says it couldn't find. The message is:
    "Parole Media Player requires to install plugins to play media files of the following type: audio/x-gst-fourcc-msVo decoder"

    I have typed the error message, couldn't select. Consider Celluloid player (MPV + GTK).

    Is it possible to make login screen more customizable, like panel
    size/color, I mean background/foreground, and also dialog
    windows'/boxes' text is too small and is not affected by LightDM GTK+
    Greeter Settings.

    Terminal: could you make CWD path colorful
    and also user@host too, bright colors like bright green for user@host
    and bright blue for CWD path.

    Could you make a new icon theme
    that would have lubuntu icons for main menu and leave the rest as in
    lxlementary. And more of awesome/ready widgets and window borders(dark
    ones with big colored buttons if such exists).

    And Also green icons for folders in File Manager (Green Version of lxlementary)

    Could you add "Open Current folder in Terminal" to dropdown menu on
    mouse right click. I am enjoying "Open as Root" one, would be awesome to
    have " ... in Terminal" there too.
  • And also, is it possible to make rounded corners?
  • #6, Edit:
    Icons are small and I can't make them bigger, is it possible to make them change size, maybe even hardcoded?