Is the MBR on the HDD broken ?
  • Hi all,
    All of a sudden my laptop can't boot and outputs the message: BootDevice Not Found. Please install an operating system on your hard drive.
    It seemed to have lost grub.

    So, I tried to fix grub by following the steps in
    But no success.

    I re-installed LXLE, three times. But it always said it can't boot.

    I tried to at least get it to boot Windows 10 using the recovery pen drive. But I got the message below.
    And now each time I boot with the Windows recovery pen drive it just automatically shows that message, without showing the usual menu of options.

    You PC/Device needs to be repaired
    The Boot Configuration Data file doesn't contain valid information for an operating system. 
    Error code: 0xc0000098
    You'll need to use recovery tools ....

    1- Do you think the MBR part of the HDD is broken ?
    I can still access the HDD by mounting the Windows and LXLE partition, from the live LXLE.

    2- Is there any way it can be fixed ?
    3- How can I use the pen drive to boot my installed LXLE ?   

    Thank you
  • Mr_LinuxMr_Linux
    PMPosts: 72
    I am about 99% certain this cannot be the MBR, you still have access to this partition from Live LXLE.  This appears to be a Windows 10 error from a broken boot manager. MBR is Master Boot Record and has been replaced on new machines with GPT.  Here is a link to repair it;

    To answer the other question, to make a bootable USB drive you need to run LXLE or the Live LXLE (I assume from CD) once booted, insert the USB pen drive. Pull up the default menu and navigate; Control Menu, Utilities, USB Stick Format (optional), followed by the USB Image Writer. 

    You will write the ISO to the USB and then launch the USB using your BIOS boot menu. This is no different from using the live CD/DVD.  If you want to make a backup copy of your current Linux OS to an ISO, navigate to that same menu and use bodhibuilder.

    If you dual boot Windows 10 and Linux, I recommend separate drives, as they just don't appear to get along with each other very well.
  • Thank you Mr_Linux.

    For question 3, I know how to create a bootable USB
    but what I would like to do is boot my LXLE installed on hdd, using the pen drive.
    The pen drive would replace the hdd Grub or MBR.

    Thank you.