My lxle laptop can't boot any more
  • Hello,

    All of a sudden, my laptop can't boot any more. No OS is found !!!

    1- Could anybody tell what caused the laptop to be unable to boot, by looking at the following log files uploaded at:

    2- I thought grub could had mysteriously broken. 
    So I booted the laptop with the pen drive, 
    I mounted its hard drive,
    and tried to reset grub on it. But I get an error:
    $ sudo grub-install --boot-directory=/mnt/boot /dev/sdb
    sudo: unable to execute /usr/sbin/grub-install: Input/output error

    In fact I get the same error just by running :
    $ sudo grub-install

    Any clue for why I get this error ?

    Thank you very much
  • If you are sent to grub rescue, I assume you have only the one drive, then you can follow these steps;

    Step 1. List the partition you have on the disk
    grub-rescue> ls

    Step 2. The above command display some partition and from these partition find out which has /boot/grub, contains several files. For example;

    grub-rescue> ls (hd0,msdos1)/boot/grub

    hd0 is the harddrive number, msdos1 is the partition number. If you will find some files, it means this disk contains the grub file, else search in other partitions.

    Step 3. set this partition
    grub-rescue> set prefix=(hd0,msdos1)/boot/grub

    Step 4. Now insert module on kernel using insmod (install loadable kernel module) command.
    grub-rescue> insmod normal

    Step 5. Restart the machine using normal command.
    grub-rescue> normal

    Now after the machine boots in Linux update and install your grub
    Open a terminal and type below commands;

    sudo update-grub

    sudo grub-install /dev/sda

    If none of this works, you may want to go with advanced options using a Live USB or CD.
  • Hey Mr_Linux,

    In my case I was not getting grub at all. I was just getting the no OS found message.
    I had to use a live pen drive with LXLE 18.04.3 with persistency, which showed grub shell when 'c' key is pressed.
    And from there I followed your steps.
    The issue is now solved.
    Thank you very much
  • I forgot to mention that I first re-installed LXLE using the live pen drive.
    But I was still getting the no OS found message.
    Then I used the grub shell off the pen drive.