LXLE rebooting instead of shutting down
  • Hi all,
    I have an HP ProBook 650 G1, running 
    LXLE 18.04
    Very often, shutting 
    the computer down just gets it to reboot again.
    In these cases, I need to unplug it and remove the battery to prevent it from rebooting again.
    To shut it down I use the static menu button -> Shutdown -> Shutdown

    Any clue how to fix this ? Or how I could get to root cause ?
    Thank you
  • The default command used by the system menu is;

    This command just opens the menu options you have seen before.

    Start with opening a terminal (Alt + X) type in at the prompt;
    shutdown -P now

    If that worked, then we need to configure the menu to use that command instead of the default lxde-logout.  LXpanels are in charge of the menu plugin button option. It is not easy or simple to edit.  The simple option would be to edit the logout.desktop shortcut or add a custom shutdown of your own to the existing menu.  I will post how this is done, if needed, on a later reply.

    Another route I would try, a logout to the LightDM greeter. (Menu - Logout - Logout) Now up in the upper right corner is a power icon.  If this works, it creates an extra step, but now you know the issue is within the LXLE session and not deeper within the system.

    Still rebooting?

    As Root user edit the file; /etc/systemd/logind.conf

    Assuming there is a power key on your keyboard, edit this line.

    Just remove the "#" to turn it on with the next reboot.

    No power key available?

    That about covers most of what I know, the next stop and last stop, would be your BIOS settings.  If you know how to start the BIOS settings at start up, browse in the power management menus.

    Here is the link to the topic I just created about powering down.