LXDE not starting on boot up
  • Hello,

    I had ~/.cache/lxsession/LXDE/run.log fill up 100% of my HDD.
    I had to delete it to free up disk space.
    But now LXDE doesn't start.

    The only way to have the usual desktop is by manually running
    $ /usr/bin/startlxde &

    Here is what I did to try and fix this:
    I have learned that lightdm should start both LXDE and OpenBox, but only the latter ends up running at the end of the start process.
    I tried dpkg-reconfigure with lightdm, lxsession, openbox and LXDE packages.
    But no success.

    2- I have another laptop with LXLE successfully starting LXDE at boot.
    Comparing /var/log/lightdm/lightdm.log in both computers, I've discovered this big difference:

    In the computer that runs LXDE sucessfully: [+0.75s] DEBUG: Session pid=1410: Running command /usr/sbin/lightdm-session /usr/bin/startlxde

    In the one where LXDE doesn't start: [+5.02s] DEBUG: Session pid=1481: Running command /usr/sbin/lightdm-session /usr/bin/openbox-session

    I am not seeing any difference in config files on both computers.

    Here are few log files at the end of the boot:
    /var/log/Xorg.0.log -> https://appp.me/21e2K9
    /var/log/syslog -> https://appp.me/jJ7I1y
    /var/log/boot.log -> https://appp.me/j6qK1M
    /var/log/auth.log -> https://appp.me/jPD3mr
    ps -aux -> https://appp.me/JQ1RMZ

    Would you have an idea of the root cause of LXDE not automatically starting ?

    Thank you
  • Mr_LinuxMr_Linux
    PMPosts: 72
    For the fix on the log read this post:

    As for the rest, I would recommend (assuming this is a new build) just reinstall and then follow the instructions above.  I never (try not to) mess with dpkg as it seems to cause more dependency errors than I care to deal with.

    Once you get the system set up the way you want, with programs, I also recommend making a back up  of your system.  https://www.lxle.net/forums/discussion/1751/bodhi-builder

    I do this once a month, because I tweak my system a lot and often.  I don't recommend the following; snap and flatpak are available but I see them as bloatware for Linux.

    I currently run 3 HDD on my PC 1 TB SSD, 1 TB Barracuda , and 250 GB SSD. The 250 GB is partitioned as follows; 
    FAT32 /boot/efi 200 MB
    ExT4  /  100 GB (My Linux OS) 81 GB free
    Linux Swap 2 GB
    FAT32 130 GB (used for file transfers between systems.
    The Barracuda is a Windows server formatted NTFS and can only see the FAT32 drive partition.
    The Samsung SSD 1 TB is a Linux server and can see everything.

    If anything goes wrong I pull out my thumb drive to repair the Linux OS.

    Hope LXLE is everything you need it to be. If  you don't want to reinstall check out this comprehensive blog by John Ramsden.
  • Thank you so much, Mr_Linux