How to remove the auto lock screen feature?
  • My laptop goes to lock screen after a while. I would like to know how to remove this feature. If this is not possible, I would like to know if it is possible to remove the need of a password to unlock the screen.

  • Mr_LinuxMr_Linux
    PMPosts: 72
    Launcher -> Control Menu -> Settings -> Default Applications for LX Session

    From here you can either go Core Applications and remove the entry under  Lock Screen Manager "locksnap" or replace it with something else.  Locksnap is the default program and there is nothing wrong with it.  However you can find other screen lockers in the software database.

    Then you can go to Autostart and remove the start up of the locksnap.  If you want to set no power manager (I am a big energy hog), add the line to here; "xset -dpms" and "xset s off".  This will turn off both the power manager and the screen blanker.

    Thanked by 1cironis