Just a little not too important praise - "f5" - nothing to solve here.
  • In LXLE 16.04 I was used to press F5 to re-load a site. Since 18.04 there is this screen-lock (or what the name is) I did not find the name of the program in the lxle wiki. At first I thought, hmm...accidentally using the f5 key and I have to re-enter (in case you chose a password at install like I did and like).

    In the meantime I read so many wonderful sentences from this app that I simply love it. So the suggestion is - do never get rid of that :).

    One accidental one was: "Winter is the season in which people try to keep their house as warm as it was in the summer, when they complained about the heat" :D - Just what happens in Germany since some years^^.

    One by the poet Robert Frost: "A bank is a place where they lend you an umbrella in fair weather and ask for it back when it begins to rain".

    Last one, just now: "The world is no nursery", Sigmund Freud.

    They seem to have got endless varieties - great :).
  • lxlelxle
    PMPosts: 2,656
    You can change the keys which in invoke it using "setup hotkeys" program in the settings menu.

    You're the first one to actually say anything about the screenlock quotes. Which at the time I added them I thought was super cool. Particularly because it doesn't pull them from online. It's a quote database that occasionally gets updated during system updates... which is awesome.

    I read some really great ones too.. Glad you like it.