Beta Testing, LXLE 12.04.4
  • Have a little time on my hands. Are there any features of LXLE beta that need testing?
  • lxlelxle
    PMPosts: 2,656
    Not in particular, general overview.
  • ZakaZaka
    PMPosts: 202
    Downloaded 12.04.4rc yesterday ~ 1st exposure to LXLE ~ I'm sold. 

    Invested time in pumping up the themes (Used the default paradigm, which I assume was XP) and de-crapping the panel/docks, etc.

    Of note:  Could not 'install' from the dvd ~ had to load the live version, but all installed without an issue.

    Suffers from lack of variety in installed themes/icons and the malaise of LXDE/Openbox in general in that regard, but persistence pays off...eventually.

    Putting all those epic wallpapers to good use with a pre-config auto rolling setup would be the bomb.  (The current bash script does not work.)

    I'm sure I'll throw out some more 2ยข here and there.

    Thanks for filling a much needed niche!
  • ScottScott
    PMPosts: 20
    Fehlstart, application launcher.

    Enjoy this tiny, very functional utility. Just a piddly little suggestion.

    Increase the border width from 1 to 2 in

    The result is suble but I think it makes a difference. What do you think?
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