Sound stutter solution
  • TinnishillTinnishill
    PMPosts: 1

    I installed lxle 18.04 on an old 10 inch netbook. It is a 32bit 1.66g hz Atom processor, 2gb RAM. I had stutter and breaking sound on Rythmbox, VLC and Seamonkey. I used Synaptic Package Manager to swap Pulseaudio for Qasmixer which cured VLC and Rythmbox but not the browser sound. I first changed browser to Ubuntu Web (Epithany) but that was very slow in loading and buffered a lot. Trying Firefox, I discovered that they insist on Pulseaudio, which brought the stuttering on the other programs back. I then tried Chromium browser with Qasmixer and, so far, that’s worked OK.

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