Using mvp youtube-dl and the little light YouTube browser in 16.04 together
  • I love this little YouTube browser, and used it for months. It was great to use in combination with the terminal for downloads. Then suddenly it wouldn't play any videos anymore. Still doesn't. Does anybody know what happened to it? Did something happen from the YouTube folks? I notice it's not in 18.04. I surely wish it was.
    LXLE user since 2013.
  • Performance.
    Using the little YouTube browser, which blocked all the commercials and nonsense, uses very little resources on my old laptops. Even if I use something like Midori browser, a lightweight browser, the playing of YouTube videos causes my computer to overheat. I've been experimenting with Sea-Monkey and YouTube videos, but the same thing happens -- overheating and blowing of hot air -- on an older laptop which is in all other ways next to brand new.
    LXLE user since 2013.
  • I don't know that software (does it have any website?) , but youtube changes a lot and breaks third party viewers/downloaders, which have to adapt to their changes. So an update could solve the problem.

    If you lower video quality, it should also lower performance usage.
    Make sure to try out all qality settings: maybe for any of the codecs hardware accelerated decoding works (then your gpu decodes the vidoe instead of the cpu).
    And don't try for only one video: not all qualities/codecs are avalable for all videos.

    An attempt worth to try could be to use vivaldi browser with ffmpeg. It's not very resource sparing, but with ffmpeg you might be able to get hardware acceleration running.
    There was a thread on vivaldi forums how to set up both tools to work with each other.

    Testing LXLE 18.04.3 (64-Bit) on DELL-XPS-M1530
    "Needless to say, LXLE is a speedy, low resource using beast of an OS."