Live boot to Other?
  • Please forgive me if this is a stupid question.  This is my very first attempt to use a linux distro, and I am sure that I don't know what I am doing!

    I burned the recent iso onto a DVD and used it to boot up in an old Dell machine.  Everything works just like I expected it to until I got to the live boot desktop screen.  The desktop has a log in box named "Other" and it asks me for a user name and a password.  I am completely stymied about what to do.  Is this simply not going to work? 

    Any wisdom about how to fix this, or address this issue, would be very much appreciated.

  • lxlelxle
    PMPosts: 2,656
    that's usually due to a bad or too fast of a burn / imaging.... you can attempt a reburn or use 'qwerty' for the user name and leave the password blank... that might work too.