A few questions about LXLE?
  • Hi folks not a complete linux noob here somewhere between noob and novice. I have accquired quite a few Dell Optiplex 330 Machines 2 gigs of ram. I'm looking to install LXLE 16.04.2 64-bit on these machines. The machine I'm actually writing this from has it installed already and it's running pretty well but there are a few things I'm running into.

    First of all the lockscreen. Although, I've figured it out I would like to use a lockscreen that is a little more traditional with a prompt showing the username and asking for the password. I'd also like to install some type of more traditonal screensaver. Any help pointing me in this direction would be greatly apprecitated.

    Seamonkey, while the browser is fine for certain applications I find that I am unable to watch netflix or amazon prime video on these machines through seamonkey. Though Firefox seems to work. I would like to use seamonkey as my main browser but if it's not possible to use netflix or amazon prime I will have to ditch it for firefox :(

    Basically my plan for these machines aside from a few for personal use is to get them setup as very basic desktop pcs for word processing, web browsing, etc and possibly donating them to a church or youth center. I'd like to make them as user friendly as possible for folks to use. So my last question is that after I have removed the applications I don't believe to be neccessary or ones that I prefer over the base install (VLC over Parole) etc can I use Bodhibuilder to install that base onto the other machines? Basically maxing my own remix of LXLE? Will it retain the menu positions, software, etc?
  • lxlelxle
    PMPosts: 2,656
    you can use xscreensaver.. check the wiki for how to disable the current lock screen.

    bodhibuilder has it's own help section/site/manual which should provide the other details..

    as for netflix and amazon prime i use neither and hear they only work with chrome..

    personally i couldn't care less... seamonkey handles just about everything i throw at it and for anything it doesn't i have a second heavier browser installed if i need it for some reason, which is rare... usually if a site is having a problem with seamonkey it turns out to be the bluhell firewall which can be easily be turned off by clicking it.
  • rfry85rfry85
    PMPosts: 210
    You cab try this for netflix in seamonkey...
    Go to about:config

    Right-click and create new string key


    enter value of
    Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:42.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/42.0

    Restart Seamonkey, then try netflix.

    Since google chrome  supports netflix, I just made a .desktop file for netflix in /home/user/,local/share/applications (where user is your username) with the exec=google-chrome  --app=http://www.netflix.com

    Now I  have a netflex app in it's own window. The icon shows up in the menu and I can use fehlstart to launch it, or put it in any panel launcher.

    Here is the contents of my facebook.desktop ...

    #!/usr/bin/env xdg-open
    [Desktop Entry]
    Exec=google-chrome --app=http://www.facebook.com

    However if your running 32bit, Google Chrome is not an option. Plus Chrome uses a lot of memory.

    To back up your install, and create a live usb, I use systemback, which was, at one time, included in LXLE.
  • lxlelxle
    PMPosts: 2,656