Glitched Panel Icon, How Do I Change It Back?
  • Somehow while playing with my installation, I got the icon for the menu launch button on the bottom panel in the lower left corner of the screen reset to a blue "+" sign. How can I put the original icon back in place? I've researched this on the LXDE wiki, but cannot find this answer.
    Thanks in advance.
  • rfry85rfry85
    PMPosts: 210
    Right click on it, then left click on menu settings, then copy and paste this into the file path box...

  • rfry85: thanks for your response! But when I right-click on the icon, I get a dialog box with the following selections:
    -"Application Launch and Task Bar" Settings
    - Add/Remove Panel Items
    - Remove "Application Launch and Task Bar" from panel
    - Panel Settings
    - Create New Panel
    - Delete This Panel

    I tried clicking on the first entry, but there is no file path box. ????
    Right now, left-clicking on the icon brings up the panel above, but does not launch the menu. Do I need to reinstall and start over?
  • rfry85rfry85
    PMPosts: 210
    No, and  that plus sign is a launcher plus task bar. you can remove it by right clicking on it, then left click remove. Or you can add applications to it.  But make sure it isn't your main taskbar. But if you do accidentally remove it you can replace it similar to what is shown in the following video.

  • rfry85rfry85
    PMPosts: 210
    I made a quick video to show you how to fix it. 

    see here...

  • rfry85rfry85
    PMPosts: 210
    My LXLE is so far from the original, but I loaded the live usb and it has a + on lower panel on left side.It is an empty launcher plus taskbar. It comes that way by default.  You can right click on it and configure it, using the first item.